Mae's Real Stories

Memories for Miriam, Alice, Theo, Delia, Tessa and anyone else who would like to be here

Thursday, September 14, 2006


"We're very late and the train won't wait..."

Another Little Golden Book that we loved our mother to read to us was The Taxi that Hurried. It hurried because the passengers were late to catch a train. What a wonderful feeling, we thought, to be hurrying to a train station to take a train to a far-away place!

Evelyn's favorite book is still popular: Fox in Socks by Dr. Seuss. We read it to her over and over! What is your favorite part of Fox in Socks? My favorite part is "Through three cheese trees three free fleas flew..."

A few years ago, Miriam and Alice had a favorite book of words and pictures. They liked all the birds and animals. My job was to go to the page with all the birds. We would look at the picture of a kookaburra, and sing "Kookaburra sits on the old gum tree-ee, merry merry king of the bushes he-ee."Once in Australia we heard a real kookaburra laughing.

An Australian website for children Kookaburra explains:
A Kookaburra is an Australian bird that sounds like this. The "gum drops" that the kookaburra eats in the song are beads of sap that form on the gum tree (also called a Eucalyptus tree).

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